Using Google Maps to find bus routes

Google Maps includes the Cedar Area Transportation Service (CATS) routes for its users. This Google Maps feature can help you find the best way to utilize CATS busses to get from one place to another in Cedar City.

Following are step-by-step instructions to use this feature.

Step 1 - go to Google Maps
Once you are there, you will see this feature in the top left-hand corner of the screen:

If you click on the "Directions" link located on the right side of the lower box, you will be given a new box. Click on the icon that looks like the front of a bus (highlighted in blue below). Once you do, you will see the following text: "Choose a starting point, or click on the map" From here, you can choose your starting point.
Below that box, you can see a box with the following text: "Choose Destination"

This is what that box looks like:


This is what the box looks like when we type the City Office's address as our starting point and the bus stop on Providence Center Drive as our destination:


With the starting point and the destination in place, just click on the magnifying glass icon, and Google Maps will generate a CATS bus route and an estimated travel time to your destination, which looks like this:


This is a great tool to help you plan your trips via CATS